Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just go naked. . .

Maternity clothes suck. . . let me back up. Shopping for clothes with my wife has never been fun. She's tall and got long legs so most everything is too short on her. She wants to look good, but is not willing to wear it if it's the slightest bit uncomfortable, so finding anything for her to wear is already a lengthy ordeal. . .

Throw in a pregnant belly and the torture doubles. Add to that it being summertime so you need lightweight clothing, and I'm on the verge of gouging my eyes on with a spoon. And clothing stores hide the maternity clothes in fun places. We missed them completely at one department store where the 3 racks were stashed between the bras and the sleepwear (where else should they go). Some stores have them mixed into the kids clothing, and others have them blend into the plus size women's section. . . nothing makes a pregnant woman feel worse than suddenly finding herself in the plus size section. All my saying "you're not fat you're pregnant" can't fix that one.

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